Maccabi Young Leadership
Future Leaders Forum
The FLF (Future Leaders Forum) is a strong active group of young people who care about Jewish sport, Maccabi and Israel, and create projects and activities, involving young people around Europe.
The FLF members are young leaders who want to make a difference in the Jewish community in their country, involve more young people in Maccabi, integrate Israel in its activities and meet and cooperate with other young Jewish people from all around Europe.
This unique group of young people involves Maccabi members from the following TOs: Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Great Britain, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine.
Based on our experience over the years, TO's who invested in young leadership managed to strengthen Maccabi in their country keeping it relevant for the young generation.
If you are between 18 to 37 years old, living in Europe and there is a Maccabi organization in your country, this forum may be for you. If Jewish sport and Zionist-Jewish education are close to your heart and you want to influence others, then you should definitelycontact us!